Hi, I’m Normandy.
Pediatric occupational therapist, neurodiversity-affirming advocate, neurodivergent adult, always listening.
Some of My Thoughts
Throughout my personal and professional development, I am constantly learning, growing, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I strive to always be willing to be wrong, adjust, and revise my practices to align with new learning.
As an able-bodied, middle-class, white woman in America, I benefit from privileges and systems not accessible to others. I strive to acknowledge this privilege and actively work to dismantle the systems that impede others from engaging in the growth and development I have access to.
Throughout my research with autistic adults, as well as in my personal expansion of my social media feeds through following autistic and disabled creators of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, I have come to acknowledge and embrace the spectrum of neurodiversity. I strive to continually combat my own biases of what neurodivergence looks like and actively embrace authentic intersectionality.