What’s New?
Texas Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference
November 15-16th, 2024
Short Course 124, November 15th 2p-4:15p: The Neurodivergent Practitioner: Building a Toolkit for Resilience
Abstract: As occupational therapy practitioners, we are trained to put our clients and their needs first, while also being taught to prioritize occupational balance. We then enter the workforce, with companies that tout 85% or more productivity standards, ever changing caseloads, and busy, fast-paced work environments. Those expectations are difficult for any practitioner to meet, and they can be even more challenging for a neurodivergent practitioner. However, neurodivergent OTPs also bring their own unique strengths to the table, such as building and maintaining strong routines, creative and out of the box problem solving, and another level of connection and rapport building with neurodivergent clients. This short course will review ways to uncover and understand your unique strengths and support needs as a neurodivergent OTP in the workplace, and we will explore practical strategies and tools to have in your toolkit for resilience as a neurodivergent practitioner in a neurotypical world.
The AuDHD Newsletter: November 2024